Monday, July 12, 2010


The reduced rate for the hotel rooms should be good for the next 1-2 weeks. As of this evening, there were still a few rooms available in the Essex Reunion reserved block.

There has been some confusion among the hotel staff re: the number of rooms and the reduced rate. If you call in the next 1-2 weeks and they tell you that the rate has expired or there aren't any more rooms, we have been advised that you should ask to speak with a manager. There are a limited number of rooms, but you may still be able to procure the lower rate. To insure that you get the discount rate though, please call as soon as possible.

Just be sure that you mention the Essex Reunion and the reduced rate! If you're still having any problems, please let Steve know (

1 comment:

  1. The following McCaskills will attend:

    Sean, Becky, Marin, Dillon, Brayden, Fallon
    Ian, Shannon, Dax, Kaiya

    Look forward to it!
